06 февраля 2017 г.
Price 1500 rub.


The idea of creation of the Paper zoo has come, as well as all ingenious in this world, casually. Our director Egor Petrovich, then Egorka, sitting on a porch of the house something cut out from a paper. The birdie as a result has turned out. From whiff of the easy breeze, that breeze which hardly touches a skin, leaving a pleasant cool trace and there and then disappears in abyss of a severe reality of our life, the birdie, appear, has soared up in air and has departed, as the present live proud bird. This moment also is minute of a birth of our zoo.

In a month of animals was already so many that the usual box from under sweets which so were loved by Egor Petrovich, could not contain new copies of fauna. It was necessary to expand the business, and Our Zoo has moved to the central park then it there was simply unenclosed territory behind last houses of our city.

The staff has started to grow, because very many wished to bring the mite in development of so wonderful direction of human activity.

After a case of theft invaluable exemplar of animals, we in staff had a watchman who perfectly knows all habits of animals and always is on guard, going to reflect any attack from the outside.

Today our Zoo is so great and popular that people occupy turn to get inside long before opening. And the main thing: in our zoo fire is forbidden. Fire is the biggest harm for our pupils.

We are always glad to visitors. Come!!!

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